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1.  Tonga (South Pacific) a Country in Oceania
A group of Polynesian islands in the South Pacific.

“Tonga is two roughly parallel chains of around 170 islands in the south-western Pacific. Neighbouring countries include Fiji to the west, Cook Islands to the east and Samoa north. Only 36 islands are inhabited. Tonga’s western islands are volcanic (four with active volcanoes) and sit well above sea level. Those to the east are coral and are more low-lying.” -

Capital is Nukuʻalofa.

The dishes we made:
White Fish in Vanilla Sauce with Rice, Peas & Carrots, and Coconut-Sweet Potatoes. Coconut Bread (Panipopo).
Tongan Vanilla is a popular commodity, so we decided to make a fish in vanilla sauce. This is similar to a dish we enjoyed on the French Polynesian Island of Moorea.


White Fish in Vanilla Sauce – Susie’s version
1 Vanilla Bean, sliced open lengthwise
Tonga-White Fish in Vanilla Sauce~1 cup Heavy Cream
1 can Coconut Milk
A little Stock (fish or chicken) if needed
Salt & Pepper

Add cream and Coconut milk to saucepan and begin simmering over med-high heat.
Scrape seeds out of vanilla pod with back edge of knife.
Add to pot and add whole pod.
Add stock if desired.
Add salt and pepper.
Reduce sauce until thickened.
Remove pod before serving.

Sauté fish in oil/butter salt and pepper.
Pour sauce over fish.
Serve with rice, peas & carrots and roasted sweet potatoes with shredded coconut.

To sauce, could add some dry white wine and shallots.


Coconut-Sweet Potatoes were prepared by dicing the sweet potato in about half to one inch dice and tossing in olive oil, add salt, pepper and shredded coconut. Roast at 400 degrees and check at 20-40 min. Check at 20 min.


Coconut Rolls (Panipopo) – this can be made simple by using frozen ready-to-bake rolls.
Tonga Meal PicPani Popo is a Samoan sweet roll baked in a delicious coconut sauce. However, it seems to be found on many of the islands in the south pacific with small variations in preparation.
Frozen Dinner Rolls (or make homemade rolls)
1 can Coconut Milk
1 cup Sugar

Combine coconut milk and sugar, whisk together.
Pout half syrup in bottom of baking dish, place roll dough on top.
Bake rolls according to package.
Remove rolls from oven and pour more syrup on top.
Note: VERY Sticky!






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