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7. Pitcairn Island (South Pacific Islands that are halfway between New Zealand and Peru)
Has a current population of about 50 people and is Covid-Free!
Pitcairn Islands group consists of Pitcairn (inhabited), Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands.
A British Overseas Territory. Capital is Adamstown.

Interesting Tidbits:
Captain Cook almost landed there, however an outbreak of scurvy deterred him.
Mutiny on the Bounty 1789.  “1789, on a voyage from Tahiti to the West Indies with a cargo of breadfruit saplings, the crew, led by the first mate, Fletcher Christian, mutinied and set their captain, William Bligh, and a number of loyal sailors adrift and set course for the Austral (now Tubuaï) Islands. The mutineers and their Tahitian Pitcairn Island Photocompanions eventually reached uninhabited Pitcairn (1790), went ashore, and then burned the ship. The island community survived in obscurity until it was discovered by American whalers in 1808.” -Britannica
The Bounty is located underwater in Bounty Bay.
“The official languages are English and Pitkern (a mixture of Tahitian and 18th-century English).” -Britannica

The dishes we made:
Fish in Banana LeafPepes ikan emas (pais lauk mas) Fish Cooked in Taro or Banana Leaf with Coconut-Cilantro Sauce, Rice and Peas, Ika Mata (a.k.a. Ceviche) and Ripe Banana Pilihi (Cake).


Fish Cooked in Banana Leaf - Pepes ikan emas (pais lauk mas) - Susie & Josh’s version
Taro Leaves can also be used.
Warm the banana leaves to make them pliable.

White Fish fillets, such as halibut or cod, ~6 oz. (185 g) each
Vegetable oil for brushing
Large fresh or thawed frozen Banana Leaves

Brush each piece of fish with oil, salt and pepper.
Brush each of the fish fillets lightly with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper.
Place 1 fish fillet in the center of a banana leaf. 
Fold the bottom edge of the leaf Fish in Banana Leaf-2over the fish, fold in the sides over the fish, and then fold the package away from you, seam-side down, secure with butcher’s twine and place in steamer basket.
Steam packets for ~10-12 min.


Coconut-Cilantro Sauce
1/2 cup (4 fl. oz./125 ml) coconut milk
Juice of 3 limes
1 small bunch fresh cilantro
1/3 cup (1/2 oz./15 g) fresh mint leavesCoconut-Cilantro Sauce-1
2 garlic cloves
1-inch (2.5-cm) piece fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 jalapeño chile, seeds and ribs removed
2 tsp. honey
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Mix all in blender.


Ika Mata (a.k.a. Ceviche)                                                      Good!
The ika mata is a famous traditional dish made from raw fish marinated in lemon and coconut milk from the Cook Islands/Norfolk Island/Pitcairn Island.Ceviche

½ -1 lb fresh Tuna fillet, cut into 1-inch cubes
2-4 Limes or Lemons, freshly squeezed
4-8 oz. coconut cream
¼ -½ cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut into ½-inch cubes  
½ -1 small tomato, cut into ½-inch cubes
½ -1 red onion, cut into thin strips
½ -1 teaspoon salt
Cilantro and Mint and Parsley

Place the tuna in a bowl.
Add the juice of the 2 limes, mix, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Cool the cucumber and onion in the refrigerator until the tuna is marinated.
Mix the coconut cream and the tuna.
Add the cucumber and onion.
Season with salt and mix well.
Serve fresh and cold.


Ripe Banana Pilihi-CakeBanana Cake
3 Bananas, mashed
¼ cup Flour
1/16 tsp Baking Soda

Add the flour and soda to the mashed banana and mix well. Bake for one hour at 350 F oven.

Note: Makes a rather dense cake, could add ~1 Tbsp melted Butter, ¼ cup Milk or Coconut Milk, 1 Egg and a pinch of salt.




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