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4.  ItalyAbruzzo Region specifically
“Abruzzo is an Italian region, east of Rome, with an Adriatic coastline and the Apennine Mountains. National parks and nature reserves cover much of its rugged interior. It also encompasses hilltop towns, dating to the medieval and Renaissance periods.”  -Google

The dishes we made:

Agnello Cacio e Ova (Lamb in Cheese and Egg Sauce) with Minted Pancakes (Crepes) and for dessert, Sformato di Ricotta con le Pesche (Ricotta with Marinated Peaches).


Agnello Cacio e Ova (Lamb in Cheese and Egg Sauce)
Delicious dish, just not super attractive.
Lamb Shoulder, dicedAbruzzo_Meal-1
2 Onions, diced
1 ¼ cups of white wine
¾ to 2/3 cups of vegetable stock
2 eggs
40g of pecorino, grated
olive oil
Lemon Juice
chopped parsley, to garnish

Sweat the onions until translucent but not colored.
Season the lamb with salt and add to the pan.
Turn occasionally until browned on all sides.
Once all the meat is browned, add the white wine and stock and simmer for 1 hour.
Once the liquid has reduced by three quarters, remove from the heat and leave to cool a little.
Whisk the eggs then stir in the grated Pecorino.
Allow the meat to cool a little, but still warm (not too hot to scramble the egg) and stir in the egg mixture.
It should emulsify with the meat to create a lovely creamy sauce.
Garnish with a handful of chopped parsley.
Serve with Minted Pancakes/Crepes.


Minted Pancakes/Crepes
1 cup all-purpose flour (½ c)
2 eggs (1)
1/2 cup milk ( ¼ c)
1/2 cup water ( ¼ c)
1/4 teaspoon salt ( 1/8 t)
2 tablespoons butter, melted (1 Tb)
2 handfuls Mint, chopped

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs.
Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and butter; beat until smooth. Add mint.
OR put in blender and let sit overnight.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat.
Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe.
Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.
Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown.
Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side.


Sformato di Ricotta con le Pesche (Ricotta with Marinated Peaches)
fresh Ricotta
Zest of 1 large Lemon and/or OrangeAbuzzo Ricotta
4 tbsp fresh Mint, finely chopped
2 -3 tbsp of Honey
Fresh Peaches, peeled and sliced
1 small bottle of Apricot Nectar (undiluted apricot juice)

Combine in a small bowl the above ingredients. Cover and refrigerate.
In a non-metal bowl add the sliced peaches with apricot nectar.
Cover and set aside in the refrigerator to chill until ready to serve.
For Serving:
Lightly oil (vegetable oil) a metal pastry ring or smooth round cookie cutter (7cm/3½”).
Place in the center of a dessert plate.
Spoon in the ricotta and lightly press with a spoon.
Carefully lift the ring making sure the ricotta retains its form.
Spoon the marinated peaches over the top.
Garnish with a nice sprig of mint leaves and Anise-Almond Cookies.


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